Sunday, September 7, 2008

Late Night at the Table with Cakespy

Welcome back to another edition of "Late Night at the Table". Tonight we have the pleasure of sitting down with Jessie of

Tablebread: So you like cupcakes. Why cupcakes?

Cakespy: Though I love all baked goods, cupcakes do have a special place in my heart. My mother is a wonderful baker--and her specialty is cakes. Growing up, you can imagine how torturous it was to have gorgeous cakes around and not be able to have a taste until after dinner; thus, she would always make a small batch of cupcakes in addition to the cake to tide over the hungry children til cake time. The cupcake remains, to me, a representation of this instant gratification and lovely small pleasure.

TB: Ah yes, the screaming of children for cake and you haven't even put it in the oven yet! We can respect your mother's technique. How did you start blogging about cupcakes?

CS: When I started the site, the goal was to combine several of my interests (writing, illustrating, and baked goods!) into one outlet. It's interesting, because it formed the platform for me to start a company through which to sell my artwork--rather than having been the other way around, ie starting a blog to support an already-existing company.

TB: just turned One! How do you and Cuppie feel about that?

CS: It's pretty awesome! It's funny, in some ways it seems like Cakespy just started yesterday--yet at the same time, it feels odd to think that there was ever a time that I wasn't doing this. Of course, Cuppie would like to add that though only a year old, he feels wise beyond his years. (it's true--just look at all the adventures the little guy has had this year!)

TB: That's true! Cuppie has been through a lot. We just love to read that little guys adventures! So, speaking about Cuppie, we see you like to draw. In your opinion which came first - "Cuppie" or "Cupcake" (drawing or baking)?

CS: I've always had a thing for drawing cupcakes (in fact--recently I found a very rough cupcake character sketch in a sketchbook I had several years ago--shall we call this Cuppie's Beta version?), but the whole personality of the character wasn't really realized until I started the site. So I suppose Cupcake came before Cuppie!

TB: So you grew up in New Jersey but you live in Seattle.Did you take a wrong turn on the turnpike?

CS: Ha! True, Seattle is a long way from Exit 98 on the Jersey Shore. After high school I went to college and subsequently lived in New York City for several years. I love the city dearly, but I did not love my 100 square foot apartment dearly. I had always had a long distance crush on the city of Seattle--it seemed like a cool, artistic and affordable city. I took a weekend trip to check it out, found an apartment and a few bakeries I liked, and made the move about 2 weeks later. On my first week in Seattle, I met Danny who later became my husband (AKA Mr. Cakespy). That was four years ago. All the same I'd like to move back to the East Coast one day.

TB: You are a very busy girl! You blog over at, you blog for the SeattlePI, AND you're married!!! How do you manage your time so well - we go nuts just waiting for bread to proof!

CS: It can be hard! I tend to make a lot of lists--lists of things to feature, lists of things I have to do during the day, and try to keep up with a schedule of posting 2-3 times a week on each site. And I make a big effort to take breaks during the day--I will usually take a long walk every day just to get out of the house and think--it makes it easier to focus and work effeciently later! As for the married part, Mr. Cakespy is my biggest supporter--and most avid taste tester. I believe that to him, there is nothing finer than coming home from work and having the "job" of tasting several types of cookies or cupcakes.

TB: You painted a representation of "Late Night at the Table" which we were very excited to get and love the outcome. Are you always available for artwork requests or was this because of our super cool blog (and a little begging)? :)

CS: Lately I have had to take a slight break from custom requests, because I recently found myself with a bit of a backup (30 active requests at once!). I am slowly working through those requests but should be able to take more custom orders next month. However I do have a supply of original artwork, t-shirts and notecards at

TB: Wow! That a 30 day backlog?!? You are busier than we thought! What is your dream outcome in life?

CS: Hopefully it doesn't sound too cheesy, but I really do feel like I am living my dream right now. I am working really hard--I definitely work more hours per week than I did when I had a "day job"-- but I don't mind because I feel like I am doing something I love. Of course, you did say dream outcome, so how about we say, what I'm doing now, but with a prewar apartment on Central Park West and a second home in Paris?

TB: Ah, an apartment in Paris...that would be a dream outcome! What does the future hold for "Cuppie" and

CS: When I was younger and first learning how to draw, I took a lot of inspiration from books like "Abel's Island" and Roald Dahl's books with Quentin Blake illustrations, and from cartoon shows like "Doug" and "Rocco's Modern Life"--I'd love to someday create books or translate my character into a show like those that inspired me when I was younger!

TB: A cupcake heroin? We will love you but the ADA (American Dental Association) might cringe ;)

Thank you so much for joining us tonight! We invite you to check out Jessie's beautiful artwork over at and don't forget to keep a good eye on her baking at! Thank you again Jessie for taking the time out of your busy schedule to stop in and say hi and we welcome any and all questions about this interview or others in the comments section!

Do you have an interesting story to tell? Do you like to bake or cook? Are you just a downright foodie at heart with a unique experience you want to share? Drop me a line at tablebread {at} gmail {dot} com and you could be on the next episode of "Late Night at the Table"!


Cakespy said...

Thank you so much for a lovely interview! It was a pleasure spending time at "the table" with you!

Tablebread said...

cakespy - thank you so much for stopping in. I am sure that all of my readers will enjoy learning more about you!

Anonymous said...

I did enjoy reading this interview very much. Cakespy's drawings are lovely and it was interesting to learn more about her work. Thanks Lewis!

Tablebread said...

bakinghistory - Your very welcome. I am a huge Jessie fan and having her as a guest was a real treat!